About Me

My name is Guneet Kohli, I'm a Machine Learning Scientist based out of Seattle, Washington, USA. An all-round collector of ideas, martial arts enthusiast, I like telling stories with data. My interests include open sciences, data science and all things machine learning. UPDATE - This blog has not been updated in 9 years!

I have a diverse and multi-degreed educational background with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering and a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. This is my first foray into a Pelican based blog which hosts content and writings about some of my personal projects in a similar scope as my professional work.

Outside of work I make music and and spend a considering time in the martial arts. The title of this page is a play on Pantera's 1994 masterpiece, 'Far Beyond Driven' and yes I like heavy music! Please feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn to chat more (see the social tab on right). Cheers!